Family Tree Maker Community

Family Tree Maker brings together a vibrant, active, and helpful community of people who support
and help each other in a variety of ways. Whatever your level of experience and expertise with
Family Tree Maker and whether you are looking for help, or you are able and willing to mentor
others, the community will help you find the people and resources you need.

Family Tree Maker User Groups

We love user groups! There are over 50 Family Tree Maker user groups in five
countries including many in the United States.
User groups are a great way to connect with local people who are also using Family Tree Maker.
If you're involved in a Family Tree Maker user group, looking to join one, or want to start one,
you've come to the right place.
Click here to learn more...

Genealogy Societies

Family Tree Maker supports and is involved with national and regional genealogy
societies. Learn about our Society Outreach
We also want to support your local users' group or society.
Click here to request a free Family Tree
Maker event
for your local group or society.

Calendar of Events

Check out our Family Tree Maker Calendar of Events
to see if we're coming to your area. If not, feel free to fill out our event suggestion form accessible from the link at the top of the calendar.